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29 December 2021

The effect of diabetes on pregnancy

Diabetes is one of the most common ailments in the world which is caused by less production of insulin in the body or compromised utilization of it. This results in a build-up of the sugar levels which has several harmful manifestations. Being a diabetic can have a negative influence on your pregnancy and baby. Therefore, it is recommended to get the sugar levels under control to the target range before you even plan to have a baby. You can consult the best diabetic clinic in Chennai to get an idea about the ideal range during pregnancy which makes it safer to bear a child. This article gives a detailed description of the effects that diabetes can have on pregnancy as a whole.

How can diabetes be harmful to the baby?

The effect of diabetes can be seen within weeks of the conception of the baby. Most of the major organs of a human child during the first 8 weeks itself. If the sugar levels are high at this crucial time, it can cause defects in these organs like the brain, spine, heart etcetera. Other common problems that are generally noted are obesity, breathlessness, and even premature delivery. Many cases of stillborn birth have been reported in the case of pregnancy of mothers with diabetes. Therefore, you must consult the best diabetes doctor in Chennai in the best diabetes hospital in Chennai to be aware of the implications of diabetes during pregnancy

Talk to your healthcare provider if you have symptoms of depression. There are many treatments for depression and your provider can help you find the best choice for you. They should see you for a check-up within six weeks of your starting treatment to make sure the treatment is working and does not cause unwanted side effects.

How can diabetes be harmful to the mother during pregnancy?

Diabetes, in general, can create a lot of systemic problems and they are all compounded even more during the time of pregnancy. Kidney and eye-related issues are seen more commonly in mothers. Some complain of developing preeclampsia, especially during the second trimester which can sometimes even be fatal. There is only one way to deal with preeclampsia if it happens during pregnancy. The mother has to go ahead with the delivery, irrespective of the stage of pregnancy. Therefore, it can lead to premature birth as well. The best diabetes specialist in Chennai will be qualified to provide this form of emergency treatment to the mother. Certain hormonal changes are also noted which increases the manifestations of diabetes during pregnancy. Therefore, the mother needs to be extra careful of what they eat and also their medications to ensure that there is no harm. Oral medications need to be changed as well so that it doesn't cause any harm. Contact the best diabetic care in Chennai and get a good opinion about the same.

How to prepare for pregnancy with diabetes?

Despite all the health issues associated with diabetes, mothers can still get pregnant. If you are one of them, you have to be extra careful about your sugar levels, follow your meal plans religiously and dedicate a certain amount of time for exercise each day. A few things that you should definitely do include -

Consult with a healthcare team

You need to be in touch with a healthcare team that consists of a diabetologist, diabetes educator, obstetrician, and dietitian who are specialists in dealing with the various aspects of diabetes. Sometimes, a social worker is also a part of the team and they help to cope up with the stress of pregnancy. The best diabetic center in Chennai has an amazing healthcare team to take care of the problems comprehensively.

Quit smoking

Smoking has a synergistic effect on the ill effects of diabetes and can worsen the issues associated with the eyes, heart, and kidneys. It also increases the chances of having a stillborn baby. Therefore, you should quit smoking completely during pregnancy.

Get regular checkups

The first full body checkup should be done even before you are pregnant or at the initial stages of pregnancy, followed by regular checkups at intervals. Let the doctor keep an eye out for eye, liver, kidney, heart diseases, and also any damage to the nerve and thyroid gland. Go to a hospital that deals with the best pregnancy diabetes in Chennai and they will take care of everything at the right time.

Get regular checkups

The first full body checkup should be done even before you are pregnant or at the initial stages of pregnancy, followed by regular checkups at intervals. Let the doctor keep an eye out for eye, liver, kidney, heart diseases, and also any damage to the nerve and thyroid gland. Go to a hospital that deals with the best pregnancy diabetes in Chennai and they will take care of everything at the right time.

Have a dietitian curating your meals

The maintenance of a healthy weight is an absolute prerequisite, especially for pregnant mothers with diabetes. The best way to keep it under control is to be under the guidance of a certified dietitian. You will have a proper idea of what to eat when to eat, and what to avoid, and also curate the quantities of each meal. It might also become imperative to add some micro and macronutrients to the meal like protein and fibers to deal with the various issues related to pregnancy.


Some kind of physical activity during pregnancy can have a lot of beneficial effects. It helps to keep your blood glucose levels under control, reduces blood pressure, and also controls the cholesterol in the body. It also improves the strength of the muscles, bones, and joints which are important areas to sustain the effects of pregnancy. Start with exercising 5 minutes a day and gradually go up to 30 minutes. It is important to be physically fit even before pregnancy sets in properly.

Take supplements

Certain vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the maintenance of the health of the baby as well as the mother. An important example is a folic acid and multivitamin tablets containing zinc, iron, and calcium. This helps to prevent any deficiency that might come up during pregnancy.

There are certain aspects and risks associated with diabetes and pregnancy. However, taking the right steps and being cautious about diet and exercise can help in having a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Copyrights @ Dr.Swapna Diabetes Care


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